


Work is not a curse that was handed down as a result of the fall of man into sin.  As we see in Genesis 2:15, work is a part of God’s original design for men and women, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”  In Genesis 2:18 it is recorded,”Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” God gave Adam a wife, Eve, to be his helper.  A helper is someone who works alongside.

As commanded, Adam and Eve were fruitful and multiplied. We know that their children worked, as Cain and Abel brought sacrifices from their flocks and fields.  This pattern is seen throughout scripture, Abraham and Sarah kept livestock as they traveled to Canaan (Genesis 13:2), Aquila and Priscilla crafted tents to provide for their needs (Acts 18:1-3). Joseph was a carpenter that involved Jesus and his brothers in the trade (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3)… and I grew up on a family farm in the Piedmont region of North Carolina.

Fast forward to the 21st century and we find the normal situation in modern society being Dad and Mom finding employment outside of the home while children are taken care of by daycare workers and school teachers. However, there are many families yearning to bring the family back together for education and livelihood.  

Until the advent of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-to-late 1800’s, most businesses involved a trade based out of the home with family members working together to provide for the needs of the family. The primary goal of Family Business Greenhouse is to provide the tools for families desiring to bring their family back under one roof, by giving guidance, encouragement and expertise as families discover the business that provides their family an income and an education for their children, growing family businesses that become, “temples when men and women (and children) do all to the glory of God!”

We launch Family Business Greenhouse on September 18, 2014.  Come and join with us as we prepare you and your family to explore, plan and launch your own business in as quick as 5 weeks.  YOUR BUSINESS.  Not you working for us, buying into a franchise or a Multi-Level Marketing program.  YOUR Family’s own business.  

Phillip & Carroll Sue Priddy

The Priddys

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